Sunday, May 30, 2010

Moodle for Modules

In the course I am taking, New and Emerging Technologies, we are currently learning about online learning modules. Moodle ( offers a free online site where teachers can host their courses, including providing online learning modules for their students. According to Lemke and Coughlin, multimodal learning (text/sounds and visuals) can significantly increase levels of learning. In addition they state that authentic learning increases student engagement as well as the depth of learning. Online learning is one more valuable learning tool that helps to foster 21st Century learning skills.

Prior to this course I had heard the name, Moodle, but had no idea what it was. Now I understand its value and plan on implementing a Moodle site for next school year. This course I am taking marks the final course in my master's degree. It will be a bitter sweet ending. When I first began my master's I had never completed a PowerPoint presentation. Until yesterday I still had not. What better time to learn how to than now. So, below, is my first PowerPoint presentation. The topic is 'Online Learning Modules'. I hope you enjoy it. I now understand why the students enjoy using this digital learning tool.

Here is the link to my first PowerPoint. It was created with PowerPoint 2007 and coverted in Google Docs.

Lemke, C., & Coughlin, E. (2009). The change agents. Educational Leadership, 67(1), 54–59.