Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Sweet Taste of Success

This week has been very productive in terms of my GAME plan. I decided to take the plunge and introduce concept mapping to my accounting students. We began by watching several short videos that I found using the AltaVista search engine using the host:edu feature. The videos explained the purpose, value and main elements of a concept map.We went on to creating one on the white board, as a class using the main concept of ‘sports’. From there I had students create a paper and post-it-note concept map in teams of 4 on the topic of ‘food’. After viewing each other’s maps and discussing their similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses; we went on to learning how to use concept mapping software at The students are thrilled with the program.

Today students worked with a partner to create a concept map using Webspiration and their basic accounting concepts learned to-date. Every student was engaged in thoughtful learning as they planned, implemented and revised their maps. Tomorrow we will finish them and each student will go on to create a base map for the new unit on payroll we are about to begin. As we progress through the unit, I will have students add to their map. Their end product map will be part of their summative evaluation. The most important thing I learned is how easily my students learn technology and how engaged they are with concept mapping. I learned that I must throw away my fears and perfectionist tendencies and just dive in. This not only invigorated my students, it did the same for me.

I have made some progress on learning more about teaching students about wikis. Although none of the teachers in my school use them; there is a student group which does for an extracurricular club. Several students came to my room and shared their wiki experience with me. They likened a wiki to MySpace or Facebook without the pictures. They found the wiki easy to learn and use and very helpful. They have given me the courage to try one soon with my students. I plan on using a teaching approach similar to that used above for the concept map; to introduce wikis to my students. Luckily I will also be able to show them the two I will have created through this program at Walden U.

My biggest challenge now is finding the time to prepare my classroom wiki and corresponding lessons. We have an in-service day coming up. I plan on asking the principal if part of that time can be used for me to show other teachers how to set up a wiki. By teaching other teachers I will be learning how to teach others about wikis.

When we first began this GAME plan I was dubious as to how successful it would be. Now I see that even small steps can result in huge gains in the teaching arena. Now all I need to do is continue my baby steps and find some extra time somewhere. Does anyone out there have some extra time you can email me?


Michelle P said...

Hi Diane,
It's good to hear that your GAME plan was successful. I really like how you introduced concept mapping by using a hands-on activity with the post it notes. Did you find that students learned how to use the concept mapping program on the computer quickly? Were there any problems you ran into?

It would be a great experience for you to teach other teachers how to set up a wiki. Once you teach others about it, you will definitely feel totally comfortable implementing it more in your classroom.

Krazymattys said...


It great to hear about the success that you are having with your GAME plan. I think that your students will really benefit from the effort that you are putting into your GAME plan.

I noticed that you stated that one of your biggest challenges was getting other teachers on board, and getting time to teach them. If your principal will not give you time at your next inservice, then you might want to try training teachers during a common plan period or after school. Maybe put up flyers or make an announcement on the PA, and I think that teachers will come if they know where and when.