Sunday, February 7, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond

This is the new buzz phrase in my classes this week-"To Infinity and Beyond". We are forging forward with 21st Century skills. The experience with Webspiration and my accounting students was invigorating. I did face one challenge. I had paired up the students and one was out absent. I filled in for that student and was concerned how the others would learn the new software. They stepped up to the plate and helped each other out. I think it was a better learning experience for them than if they had me at their beck and call.

Based on one of the comments I received here on my blog, I have an idea on how to encourage teachers at my school to embrace concept mapping and wikis. We have a teacher's meeting after school. I will go down a bit early and open up my wiki and the concept maps my students created. The meeting is in the library, so the teachers will need to walk past the computers to get to the tables. I will have the principal announce that I will be available after the meeting for all that want to see the wikis and maps and have any questions. Hopefully that will spark their interest.

1 comment:

amorea said...

I like how you became your student's partner so you can keep on track with your lesson.

It is difficult to get some teachers to embrace new ideas especially with technology. I am excited because I am attending a district wide technology resource share with other teachers next week. I cant wait to bring back ideas from others and to share mine!